
Safety first: We do testing

Protect yourself and others - after one year of the corona pandemic, the motto is hotter than ever and is consistently pursued and lived at SGB as...

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SGB offers suitable installation kits for UPP's new push-in coupling

Relating to UPP's change-over of their pipe connections, we as manufacturer of leak prevention systems would like to inform and help you to avoid...

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Nouveau: WEBINAIRES - séminaires spécialisés maintenant digital

  • Modules spécifiques aux groupes cibles
  • Digital & compact
  • Expertise technique d’affichage des fuites
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Êtes-vous intéressé par les nouvelles technologies et les développements en matière de technologie de détection de fuites ? Alors, nous vous...

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Happy New and Healthy Year!

New year, new challenges!

We - the whole team of SGB - like to thank our business partners for the good, trustful and prosperous collaboration in...

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